You have probably seen effects like these in games built on modern engines like UE3 and CryEngine.
Well NeoAxis is catching up with those big fish by way of adding new eye candy for us developers to work with.
The first posteffect we are going to show you is Depth Of Field.
DOF works by shooting a ray into the object you are pointing your cursor at and making that area sharp while blurring everything else around it (in a subtle way of course) thus simulating human eyes or camera lenses.
Here's an in-engine image to show you what I'm rambling about:

*DOF effect intensified for clearer understanding, in-game it will be more subtle
After DOF we have Light Scattering or God Rays.
This effects simulates the rays a strong light creates when behind an object. It works by zooming in the objects in front of the light and blurring them multiple times to get the wanted effect.
Sadly, you will not see a lot of these in SickBrick since it only has 4 outdoors maps. But maybe you'll probably get a lot more chances in our new game ;)
Map editor image:

Next up is SSAO which creates subtle shadows around close objects:

FXAA which is pretty self-explanatory (better than other AA techniques because it uses less processing power):

The last effect is a subtle but constant one: Vignetting
Used in most today's games, it makes a very subtle dark frame around the corners of the game's screen to give it a more movie-like feel.
Obligatory map editor image:

SickBrick is going to be updated very soon with it's new MegaPatch(TM)* bringing you a slew of improvements and bug fixes.
To see the previous update click here. To check out our new game in development "Project Lighthouse" click here.
*not really a trademark at all